Windjammer Marina
Oden, Michigan
Windjammer Marina
Oden, Michigan
Design Challenge:
Master plan including a new Marina and condominiums
Innovative condo design with boat slips under living spaces
Satisfy needs of all stakeholders: client, community, environmental regulators
Windjammer Marina sits on the shore of Crooked Lake in Northern Michigan, a stone’s throw from Traverse City. It transformed a tired, well-worn, old marina into a new village center for the residents of Oden.
The facility addresses all the typical Marina issues of berthing, boat slips, boat launching, boat repair and maintenance, and also incorporates a small commercial component to complement the residential part of the project.
The master plan called for twenty-four new condo units built over existing boat berths to capture the magic of living intimately with a body of water.
Planning and development of this project required extensive coordination with the Army Corps of Engineers and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (now EGLE), as well as Country and Township, Resident Association and Local Business Owners Association.
DFDG Architects
359 Metty Drive | Suite 4a
Ann Arbor | Michigan | 48103
Phone: 734.998.1331 Email:
Licensed in Michigan, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, Kentucky, and Ohio.